RADIO HISTORY EVENTS: Online Museum Tours/Talks!

Did you know… you don’t need to travel the world to visit and enjoy many of the most impressive museums related to Ham radio and radio communications? Below are links to online museum tours across the globe which are either 1) self-guided (click and move/view), or 2) facilitated via video. When available, this page also displays interactive/live learning events which you might choose to attend - just don’t forget to register in advance, if needed. Enjoy!

Virtual (Self-Guided) Museum Tours!

  • Telegraph displays, early mobile phones, Tesla coil, pioneer wall of fame, automotive radio evolution, early ham radios, early TV cameras and receivers, tube displays, VOA station/transmitter, and more.

    LINK: Virtual 360-degree Tour (video tour too)

  • Historic military radios, spy equipment, manpacks, and more.

    LINK: See link at the bottom of this page.

  • Kit sets, amateur wireless, military, tubes, batteries, and more.

    LINK: Virtual Tour

  • Receivers, transmitters, and transceivers of the past.

    LINK: Virtual Tour

  • A historical tribute to Healthkit of the 1950s and 1960s.

    LINK: Virtual Tour

Virtual (Facilitated/Video) Museum Tours!

  • Working crossbar PBX equipment, antique telephones, switchboards as well as an outside plant displays with poles, cables, splicing equipment, tools, and other related communications equipment and machines. Features a cataloged telecommunications reference library, useful for researchers.

    LENGTH: 3 Hours (multiple videos)

    LINK: Video Tour

    CREDIT: Museum Staff

  • Showcases the history of radio and TV broadcasting featuring exhibits on the Voice of America’s role in global communication, artifacts and interactive displays and learn about broadcasting's impact on society.

    LENGTH: 1.8 hours

    LINK: Video Tour


  • Reproduction of Titanic Wireless (Radio) room, early radios, operating telegraph office, Voice of America control room, 250KW transmitter, electronics communications displays and more.

    LENGTH: 24 mins

    LINK: Video Tour


  • Reproduction of Titanic Wireless (Radio) room, early radios, operating telegraph office, Voice of America control room, 250KW transmitter, electronics communications displays and more.

    LENGTH: 24 mins

    LINK: Video Tour


  • History of CW transmitters, radio, television, computers, and everything in between. 

    LENGTH: 1.2 hours

    LINK: Video Tour


  • Vintage ham radio transmitters, early home radios, radio development, replica of first radio wave detector, related advertising and memorabilia.

    LENGTH: 1.7 hours

    LINK: Video Tour

    CREDIT: Atlanta Radio Club

Live/Online Learning Event (via Zoom)!

  • Join this presentation led by Antique Wireless Association Museum curator Lynn Bisha. Advanced registration required using the link below. Attendance is via Zoom.

    LENGTH: 1 Hour

    LINK: Register Here

    DATE/TIME: 3/19/25 at 7:00pm CDT